Sunday, August 28, 2011

Caluwayan Palm Resort (Samar) Part 2: The Group

As promise, here's the Part 2.
More photos ahead...

"After we attend mass at Sulangan (Samar), we went to Caluwayan Palm Resort to eat our lunch and to unwind at the same time before going home. It's my first time to went there and I'm so in love with the place. Wanna went there again!!! :)"

White sand! Hhhmmm...

Me and Anot.

Pose lang ng pose :)

The group.

Another shot with the group.

Nasa gubat ba kami not in a beach resort? 

A POSE with the TREES.

Jerold, Me and Shalley.

Another version from above. Hehe :)

Gosh!!! Why I'm not smiling here?

Love the background.

At the pool side with Antie Puring.

Tsibugan time!!! :)

Beauties!!! :)

A pose at the pool.

Me with the oldies. Hehehe :) Ssshhh...

I like the cottages in the resort. Bahay-Kubo type.

Sitting down by the coconut tree.

Sabeh!!! :)

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