Saturday, September 10, 2011

My First and Last! :)

I attended the second SK National Congress at Subic, Zambales. It was my first and last to attend the said event. I went there alone (as usual)! I love Subic! The very cleanest place I ever went to. I hope, every city here in the country is as clean as Subic. It's great! :)

Welcome to Subic! #thankzPapaGod may kakilala ako! I went there alone and just met this group at the registration booth. Three SK Federation President and the others are all SK Chairman from Palo Leyte.

Me with the Palo Leyte SKs. That only guy is my co-SKFP.

Me, Mark (SK Chairman of Palo) and Shenalyn

This one are from Samar

The SK Federation Presidents!
Hon. Sheena Nina Depaudhon - Pastrana Leyte
Hon. mark Cabag - Palo Leyte
Hon. Shenalyn Leria - Mc Arthur Leyte

The Sheenas'

Me with the Palo (group) girls

The group

There are local bands who rocks us on our first night. Callalily, Pedicab, Sponge Cola, Sandwich, etc.

Outside, there's a "The Bar" booth and it was FREE taste UNLIMITED. Had a sip! Ssshhh..


We played basketball! :)

The semi-formal night! Dress alert! :)

We roamed around Subic. Went to there night market (or little Divisoria).

FREZZer!!! Don't be too obvious PGMA will arrive in any minute.

On our last day..

Group pictures and say bye-bye Subic in few minutes


Kean Cipriano rocks the SK National Convention

It was my first time to went to Subic but I already love the place. So beautiful and CLEAN!!!

Wanna go there soon! :)

Sheena <3

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