Monday, September 12, 2011

My Last "FREE" Travel

October 2010 - Grace and I attended the last SK travel at Cebu City. Because work and fun can be together and we want to make most of it (anyway, it was already our last "free" travel), we went to Museo Sugbo: The Cebu Provincial Museum.

It was my first time to entered a musuem, in my 19 years of existence! It's kinda wierd but fun! Feel something spooky but great! Haha :)

Welcome to Museo Sugbo!!! :)

Me and Rhea, our tour guide! Hehe :) She's also a former SK Chairwoman (2007-2010) and she is studying at Cebu, so, we asked her if she can be a tour guide and she answered YES! Anyway, who can say NO to her President?! Hahaha :) ECHOS!!! xoxo

My ever sooo "kill joy" travel-mate but my ever sooo great friend! Hehe :)

Vanity! :) xoxo

The Beauties! Me, Grace and Rhea.

It was a short trip but fun! (minus the "reklamos from Grace!) Hahaha :) If given the enough resources, we still want to went to the other historical places of Cebu, but we don't have that time. Maybe SOON! :)

I already miss Cebu!!!

See when I see you! LOL

Sheena <3

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