Friday, September 2, 2011

Who's Looking Back At You In The Mirror?

Have you ever been in a situation where you have to tell your friend/family member/girlfriend/boyfriend something about their personality that isn’t the nicest?

It’s a very hard task to say to someone…

“You’re so negative..”
“You have so much going for yourself but you’re ungrateful for the things you have.”
“You can’t be independent…you always seem to need my help even if the task is simple.”
“You never say thank you”
“You complain too much….way too much”
“You don’t make an effort to spend time with me”
“I feel like everyone else in your life is important and I’m at the bottom of your list” “You’re never encouraging”
“You’re impatient”
“You always have to be right..”
“You never listen to me….”
“You’re judgmental”
“You’re selfish”
“You’re not making an effort to make things work”
“You’re self centered”
“You’re not sensitive to my situation”

I’ve told someone some of these things and it didn’t turn out very well. I had so many concerns that I didn’t share that it was dumped on the person all at the same time. I was essentially asking for a complete personality change, which wouldn’t be fair to either of us. So it ended there. I walked away leaving the lasting impression being all the things that I didn’t like and I wonder if those things were ever addressed after so many years.

Sometimes these personality traits are unbearable and you feel like after some time it’s something that has to be said. Once the cat is out of the bag…you find yourself with someone who gets so angry they never make any changes at all…. Or they make changes to make you feel better or for themselves to feel better but essentially the change is short lived. Lastly, there’s the person that is willing to change for the better for themselves and the future of their relationships.

So tell me have you ever been in a situation where you’ve had to tell someone something about their personality? How did you do it? How did it end up?

Has anyone told you about something about your personality? How did you feel when it happened? Did you eventually make any changes?

Sheena <3

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