Monday, September 5, 2011

Repost: H&M Leather Bands Giveaway

Hi sweeties!

I love giveaways!!! Anyway, who doesn't? Hehe :) 

Few days ago, I saw this blog at Nuffnang as the 3rd place winner when they celebrated the International Blog Day 2011. I browsed her blog and saw that she is giving giveaways to her followers.

H&M Leather Breaded Bands

"This giveaway will have three (3) winners, since I missed out on my 200 Followers Giveaway, which means everyone gets more chances of winning! Each winner will receive three (3) suede leather bands of different colors from H&M...."

For more info, check this site: Not Your Ordinary Beauty Queen

Please wish me luck to become one of the three winners! I'd really love to have this leather breaded bands.

Sheena <3

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